SWORDWIELDER - Grim Visions of Battle CS

SWORDWIELDER - Grim Visions of Battle CS


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Review from MAXIMUM Rocknroll:
“And the dark Lord said, “Let there be Stench!” After a couple of demos, this is the debut full-length from these Gothenburg death dealers, and they’ve really outdone themselves here. This might as well be titled Hail to England for it’s allegiance to the model carved out by ’80s stalwarts like DEVIATED INSTINCT and AMEBIX, creeping chorus-drenched riffs and all, but SWORDWIELDER does an admirable job of modernizing their inherently retrograde approach without ending up sounding like a false. The guitar work is top-notch, inventive and peppered with just the right amount of gloomy clean bits, while the vocals are spot-on throughout. This album has grown on me with every listen, easily worth rallying the hordes near you and giving it a spin. (WB)”